By-Laws       Last amended 2005


1. The order of Business at the Annual General Meeting shall proceed as follows:
    a. Minutes of the previous general meeting
    b. Business arising from the minutes.
    c. Reports of the Officers.
    d. Reports of the Committees.
    e. Determination of location of the next CODA National Championships.
    f. Nomination of the Officers.
    g. Election of the Officers.
    h. New business.
    i. Adjournment.

2. Membership dues shall be set at each Annual General Meeting.
    Membership dues in 2006 shall be as follows:
        a. Individual Membership - $20.00 Two members per family $35.00 Three members per family $50.00 
        b. Associate Membership - $20.00 non-voting
    Dues are payable on January 1 annually.

3. Fiscal Year.
    The fiscal year shall be from the first of January annually.

4. Secretariat.
    The address of the secretariat shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. 

5. Registry of Boats.
    A registry of boats shall be maintained by the Secretary/Treasurer. It shall be available for viewing at all reasonable times.

6. Application for Membership.
    Application for membership shall be made on a suitably prepared form to the Secretary/Treasurer to the Association. 

7. Class Rules and Measurement Forms.
    A measurement form and the class rules shall, in Canada, be devised and used by official measurers and shall be available to members of the Association through the Secretary/ Treasurer. This may be done by publication in the yearbook or newsletter.

8. Provincial Vice-Presidents (Representatives).
    There may be one Vice-President (Representative) from each province and territory as member of the Executive of the Association. Representation on the executive shall be by approval of the Annual General Meeting.

9. The term of office for officers shall be two (2) years.

10. No officer shall hold the same position for more than four (4) consecutive years. 

11. Three (3) officers of the executive shall constitute a quorum for an executive meeting.

12. Notice of time, place and agenda of executive meetings shall be given to executive members ten (10) days in advance.

13. The presence of ten (10) voting members of the Association shall constitute a quorum at a general meeting.

14. For the purpose of calling a general meeting according to Art. 9 of the constitution, a quorum shall be 20% of the current membership.

15. Notice of time, place and agenda of a general meeting shall be given twenty (20) days in advance.

16. The Annual General Meeting should be held at the time and location of the Canadian Championship.

17. In order to participate in any Provincial or Canadian Championship Regatta, you must be a member of CODA, or, if not a Canadian, of another National Optimist Association.

18. Organizers of each Provincial Championship, CORK, the Canadian Optimist Dinghy Championship (CODC), CYA Sail East and West shall collect a levy of $10.00 per sailor to be forwarded to CODA.

19. Mail-out ballots will be permitted for the purpose of changing CODA By-laws. A 2/3 vote will be required with a minimum of ten (10) responses. 

20. CODA Selection Rule for the ranking and selection of the World, European and North American Teams is as follows:
     Team members to represent Canada at the IODA World, European North American Optimist Championships will be selected based on the results of one annual regatta, namely the Canadian Optimist Dinghy Championship (CODC) in the previous season of these three international events. The top 5 finishers will be invited to be part of the Worlds Team (no gender stipulation) the next 4 finishers will be invited to be part of the European Team (gender 3-1). The top 18 finishers will be invited to take part in the IODA North American Championship (gender: 15-3).

21. Fleet Divisions (note: all as of December 31 of the current year):
        Red: Aged 13, 14, & 15  
        Blue: Aged 11 & 12
        White: Aged 10 & under 
        Green : Novice sailors in Optimist racing (see Green Fleet Guidelines)